Saturday, May 06, 2006


Thursday's meeting has presented some interesting outlooks for this year's ROBOEXOTICA (Dec. 5th - 9th)...
Günther Friesinger presented an outline of this year's symposium, Stefan Lutschinger, representing the visualists of equaleyes, promised some eyecandy for the vast space above everybody's heads in Freiraum at Museumsquartier Wien.
And a quite revolutionary oath was sworn: under any circumstances will there be a daily guided tour through the exhibit - WITH ALL THE MACHINES WORKING at that moment!

some ROBOEXOTICA-related posts:
Apropos Cocktailrobots (David Calkins' article on ROBOEXOTICA 2005)
Smoking Robot
ROBOEXOTICA foto-links
Krach the cardboard humanoid
Annual Cocktail Robot Awards - call for participation

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