Friday, November 27, 2009

t < 1 Week! OMG Cocktailrobots!

Our little workshop has produced a robot that will offer the choice of a vegan (!) version of White Russian; the artist-in-residence Americans are tinkering away in their laboratories; Bar2D2 has arrived in 2 neat crates ...
Roboexotica is near! Opening Dec 3rd 7pm.
This year at a new location:
"Drinkomat", Missindorferstr. 21/ Stiege 7 / 2. Stock, 1140 Vienna
... showing a lot of great new cocktail-robots!
Conference: Sat Dec 5 2pm
Annual Cocktail Robot Awards ceremony: Sun Dec 6 7pm CET


RSVP on Facebook:

Along with the 11th ACRA, we will this year give away the first VCRA - the Virtual Cocktail Robot Award.
The real life ceremony will be video-streamed into Second Life (TM) where the virtual award will be given to a deserving avatar.

If next week doesn't end up being too hectic I plan to post a little more information on the cocktail robots that are coming and our program.

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